For every soul we create, there is a soul that we felt a connection with first

[Editor’s note: This story is of a photographer capturing women and their husbands while giving birth. While this is one example of one type of relationship, we understand, appreciate and celebrate that relationships come in all forms and configurations.]

For every soul we create, there is a soul that we felt a connection with first.
The one who watches on helplessly while the woman he loves, moans and howls through labor stages giving birth.
While we have always put each other first, mother nature drifts in to place him in the backseat while he watches them transform into one other. All without needing his assistance.
At every single birth I have attended, the men are in the background, even if they are up close with their women.

They are actually stronger than they realize.
Carrying the irony in their faces of being able to fix everything yet somehow not able to “fix” our pain and discomfort during birth.
It’s not even the fact that we need to be saved but that they’re essentially powerless to rescue in a way that they are used to being able to do.

Baby Boo