These kids? They’re listening. They hear us when we complain

These kids? They’re listening.

They hear us when we complain. They know when we are talking about them.

They’re not ignorant. They’re not dumb.

They are so smart. They’re processing everything we say. They are building their vocabulary, their character, and developing little personalities based on what they hear.

When I say, “He’s my stubborn child…” He hears me.

When you say, “She is wild…” She hears you.

I’ll never forget the day my oldest told me he was giving his food to his younger brother because “he’s the good eater.”

My mouth dropped. I probably said my younger was “the good eater” a dozen times.

You guys, they’re listening to everything we say.

If you want your kids thinking they’re “hard, stubborn or defiant…” keep telling your friends this out loud in front of them.

But in that same vein… If you want your kids knowing they are brave, adventurous, creative and kind, say it for them to hear.

Because they will.

(Art by Amanda Oleander Art)

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