Sometimes, it’s not about being pregnant. It’s about how you feel about being pregnant

It goes without saying that most dreams aren’t literal. Just because you dream that your boyfriend cheated on you doesn’t actually mean he did. Instead, it probably means you’re feeling jealous or insecure about your relationship. The same goes for pregnancy dreams. But that doesn’t mean you should dismiss the dream entirely. “You should ask yourself what children mean to you,” Barrett suggests. “Your association with the dream holds the key to its meaning. Look for symbols in your response.”

If you grew up in a dysfunctional family, having a family of your own could produce anxiety. If you’re one of 10 kids, having a large family of your own might feel natural. If you skip your period, dreaming about being pregnant could make you feel like a failure. It all comes down to what you’ve got going on in your life—and tying your dreams to subconscious feelings about your waking life.

Baby Boo