My son, Aamir, was born alive but slowly passed away during skin-to-skin after an hour

“My son, Aamir, was born alive but slowly passed away during skin-to-skin after an hour. He was diagnosed with a rare terminal illness during my 20 week ultrasound and I chose to carry him for as long as I could. Birthing him was one of the most beautiful moments of my life. His deafening silent cries as he was placed on my chest masked my heart slowly breaking.

My husband and I chose to hold a celebration of life in his memory instead of a funeral. We celebrated him blessing us with his presence and we continue to feel his soul as we raise his sister earth side. Parenting after loss is different – it feels like a slow dance between joy and grief.”

Thank you @lifeofshereen for sharing Aamir with us.

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Baby Boo