My baby js changing so fast but my postpartum body no!

My baby is changing so fast but my postpartum body remains the same and my belly is still here.

Absolutely no bouncing back and I do exercise a fair bit. The stretch marks haven’t faded and from the side my belly still pops out. One thing that you don’t learn about when you have a baby is that your body will change in so many ways. Diastasis recti is just one possible change. You are also not told that it can take a long time, months or years of working on it to get a strong core and stop looking 4 months pregnant. Even though this is my second baby there are things I still was surprised to learn about. Changes not many people talk about:

– After birth pains (These pains were so bad for me that I needed a hospital transfer for pain management, I was not expecting them) these also get worse with each pregnancy. Now that I know about them I know how to prepare for pain after birth.
– That your feet can grow permanently bigger: Mine haven’t really changed too much but it’s interesting to know it can happen
– Postpartum hair loss: mine has been really bad (especially the edges)
– Changes in your breast shape/size (and increased change with each baby)

What are some things that surprised you about postpartum or pregnancy?

Regardless of how my body progresses I’m thankful that it has taken me this far. Mamas, celebrate y

Baby Boo