I was told you it would be glowing!

There really is no way around it, for most of us the first trimester is ROUGH; am I right mamas? Although I’d read about all the symptoms that can accompany the first trimester I have to say I was still caught off guard by how hard it was! And to be honest I’m not even a puker. I suffer from all-day morning sickness (goodie),major fatigue, and a nasty tummy (basically feels like I have a stomach bug for 8+ weeks ) but only threw up once so I count myself among the lucky in that respect. I know so many mamas who literally puke their entire first trimester My heart goes out to you!

If you missed my deadly honest first trimester recap blog post, make sure to go check that out lol but today on the blog I’m sharing my first trimester must-haves! There isn’t a lot that can help, but I did find a few things along the way that bring some relief. I also made a first trimester tips, tricks, and must haves video on YouTube so if you’re a watcher rather than a reader there is something for you too!

Lastly, who else thought they were basically required to read what to expect when you’re expecting? Lol I found it at a garage sale and did my do diligence only to realize there are a lot better resources out there. What was your favorite book to read while pregnant? I’m actually looking for new reading material so I’d love some suggestions!

Repost from @honestlymommy”

Baby Boo