‘I am a C-section-having, formula-feeding, disposable diaper, working kind of mom. I do not regret it.’

“Let me get this out of the way. I am a C-section-having, formula-feeding, vaccine-giving, disposable diaper, working kind of mom. I do not regret it and am proud of the way my daughters have been raised thus far.

I would do it all the same exact way again if I had to, but I don’t. I don’t plan on having any more incisions cut in my belly and thankfully, my girls are on cow’s milk. I don’t need a lecture on how breastfeeding makes kids smarter or how vaccines can cause autism, much less do I need a lecture on how I apparently don’t love my child enough, because I would rather work than stay home with them.

Let me make this statement loud and clear: Breast is best? NO! Fed is best. I love my daughters enough to not expose them and lessen their chance of getting measles, polio, or whooping cough. I saw a shirt the other day that said, ‘Vaccines Cause Adults.’ Hashtag truth. I will cheers to that.

I love my girls so much, I would rather them have social exposure with kids their own age and provide them with teachers that I trust to teach them the things they need to know for later in life. I don’t trust myself enough to teach my girls the alphabet or shapes. I’m getting ahead of myself and as I’m writing this, my heart is a-racing. I’m passionate about these topics and they get me a tad heated when someone tells me I’ve been parenting wrong. Let me break it down for you.

Baby Boo